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Air Quality Matters Podcast

Indoor air quality, ventilation and health.

The Air Quality Matters podcast talks to leaders across the world and across sectors to discuss one of the most important environmental risk we face, a built environment playing catch up and innovation everywhere.

From housing to the workplace, education to healthcare, the quality of the air we breathe impacts us all.


Simon Jones Simon Jones

Achim Haug & Anika Krause

I had the pleasure of speaking with Achim Haug and Anika Krause, two innovators in the air quality monitoring industry. Achim, a former Siemens executive with over two decades of experience, now resides in Thailand, where he founded AirGradient, a company dedicated to revolutionising air quality monitoring with an open-source approach. Anika, AirGradient’s scientific advisor, lives in Italy and brings extensive expertise in air quality exposure science and data analysis, holding a Ph.D. from Cambridge.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Promoting Air Quality in the Built Environment: Insights from Chris Rush

Chris Rush is a Director and air quality consultant lead at Hoare Lea , an award-winning, multi-discipline engineering consultancy with a creative team of engineers, designers, and technical specialists.

Part of the Tetra Tech Group, a global provider of environmentally focused consulting and engineering services, and part of its renowned Tetra Tech High-Performance Buildings Group.

He aims to improve through his involvement as chair of the professional body for air quality in the UK— Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) , vice chair of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Air Quality Working Group, and council member of the Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES). He is passionate about harnessing the value of air quality through the design and operation of buildings.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Mazen Jamal

With over two decades of experience in the built environment, he brings a wealth of knowledge from his global endeavours in sales within the property technology sector, including utilisation, occupancy detection, and indoor air quality monitoring. His journey has spanned various continents, offering him a unique perspective on the diverse motivations and adoption reasons across different markets, from North America to Asia and the Middle East.

During a recent episode of the "Air Quality Matters" podcast, Mazen discussed the evolving landscape of smart buildings and environmental monitoring. His insights reveal an industry at a crossroads, particularly in how buildings are being designed and maintained post-COVID to enhance health and safety standards.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

The Future of Smart Housing Technology: An Insight from Switcee’s CEO, Tom Robbins

Our discussion delved into the transformative role of actionable insights in the housing sector. Tom articulated a shift from the traditional data-centric approach to a more holistic understanding of what truly constitutes actionable insights. It's not just about collecting data but creating a meaningful narrative that organizations can act upon to make significant improvements.

A central theme of our conversation was the transition from a reactive to a proactive model in housing management. Traditional methods often led to a lag in data, resulting in inefficient operations and a reliance on responding to complaints. Switchee’s technology enables landlords to move beyond this, by not only addressing issues as they arise but by anticipating and resolving them before they escalate.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Do Particulates Matters

Richard discussed his role in chairing a The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Committee that produced a comprehensive report on health risks associated with indoor exposure to fine particulate matter and offered practical mitigation solutions.

This multidisciplinary effort not only advances our understanding of the health impacts of particulate matter but also serves as a crucial reference for improving indoor environments, particularly in the built environment sector.

Richard Corsi's leadership in chairing a National Academies Committee report represents a significant stride in the realm of indoor air quality research. This report, focusing on the health risks associated with indoor exposure to fine particulate matter, is not just a scholarly document—it's a toolkit for public health and safety.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Transforming Air Quality Insights into Strategic UX Design

In the realm of user experience (UX), understanding the nuanced dynamics of various industries, particularly the built environment, can significantly shape sustainable practices. Recently, on the podcast, I had the opportunity to discuss these themes with Dan Hyde, a seasoned UX strategist and a voice in sustainability.

Dan's expertise extends across various sectors, including finance, healthcare, and the built environment. With his partner Alex, they run 'Everything Is User Experience,' a firm dedicated to enhancing UX through comprehensive strategies that transcend mere aesthetics or usability, targeting organizational goals and stakeholder needs.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

If not you then who?

The recent residential retrofit standard issued by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors RICS underscores a pivotal aspect of home retrofitting that often goes unnoticed but is crucial for both the building's performance and the occupants' health: ventilation.

The RICS standard is not just another document in the vast sea of professional guidelines; it is a comprehensive framework aimed at ensuring that RICS members provide their clients with high-quality advice and support. It covers a broad spectrum of activities, including project management, surveys, assessments, design, and evaluation of retrofit projects.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Her Own Space

Founder of Her Own Space, Ellora has successfully cultivated a community that now exceeds 3,000 members, all united in their quest to navigate the complexities of home renovation and retrofit projects across the UK. This initiative stands as a testament to her commitment to providing a supportive network for women homeowners, coupled with a platform for professionals within the retrofit industry to thrive both personally and professionally.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Bridging the Gap in Air Quality Awareness

The podcast episodes underscore the pivotal lessons the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us about indoor air quality. The discussions elucidate the intricate relationship between indoor environments and health, spotlighting particulate matter (PM 2.5) as a significant concern. This fine particulate matter, capable of penetrating deep into the lungs and potentially affecting brain health, is linked to serious health issues such as heart and lung diseases, brain health concerns, and adverse birth outcomes, particularly in disadvantaged communities.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Navigating the Post-Pandemic Landscape of Indoor Air Quality

Cath articulated how the pandemic has thrust indoor air quality and ventilation into unprecedented focus. This surge in awareness, spanning public discourse to scientific exploration, marks a critical shift in how we perceive and prioritize the air within our buildings. The dialogue around ventilation, once a peripheral concern, has now ascended to the forefront of public health discussions, symbolizing a paradigm shift in our collective consciousness. 

However, this enlightenment also underscored a critical void in our understanding of ventilation efficacy across the built environment, revealing a stark lack of comprehensive data on building ventilation standards and compliance.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Priyanka Kulshreshtha

With two decades in the field of indoor air quality management. Her core domain of work is research on Indoor Air Quality and its exposure assessment. Priyanka is a fascinating window into the field of air quality in India right now, where it has come from and where it may be heading.

She is at the heart of an exciting yet challenging environment, with so much at stake and the potential to improve lives. You really get the sense talking to Priyanka that things are on the move in India, and there is a generation of bright and committed researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals making waves.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Stephanie Taylor and Building for Health

Her story begins with a distinguished medical career, starting with a degree from Harvard, leading to pediatric oncology, and research into cellular growth control mechanisms. However, her career took a unique turn as she observed the built environment's impact on patient health, specifically regarding healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).

Driven to understand and improve the intersection between human health and the built environment, Dr. Taylor returned to academia to earn a master's in architecture. This decision marked the start of an interdisciplinary approach, aiming to harmonise architectural design with health outcomes.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Indoor Air Quality: Insights from Francesca Brady, CEO of Air Rated

She highlighted the growing significance of labelling buildings for air quality, similar to how energy performance is labelled. Though not mandatory, this practice is increasingly becoming a standard for conscientious building owners. It's a critical step towards transparency because indoor air quality directly impacts health and well-being. Moreover, Francesca predicts that air quality labelling will become as common and expected as energy performance certificates (EPCs).

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Exploring the Depths of Indoor Air Quality with Professor Pawel Wargocki

Pawel is an indoor climate scientist and expert, his research has influenced the development of indoor air sciences and  it is hard to overstate the impact he has had in this sector.

He continues to be involved in fascinating research on the impact of air quality on workplace performance, health and school performance, and the impact of air quality on sleep. He is behind a fascinating standard for assessing IEQ called TAIL and the list, honestly goes on.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Ian Mawditt

Ian is an independent Building Performance Researcher, specialising in the testing and monitoring of buildings to evaluate energy performance, indoor environmental quality, and comfort.

Ian has been a long-standing partner of the AECOM-led technical team appointed to support the UK Government (now the Building Safety Regulator, part of HSE) and, separately, the Welsh Government, in developing revisions to Parts F and L of the Building Regulations for England and Wales, respectively.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Ventilating the Future: Insights from Henry Burridge on Air Quality in Schools

Henry Burridge’s background is a tapestry of engineering and environmental advocacy. His expertise in fluid mechanics, honed through years of academic and practical experience, places him at the forefront of air quality research. His work, intersecting with projects like TAPAS and the Future Urban Ventilation Network, emphasises a multi-dimensional approach to environmental engineering - one that intersects human health, architectural design, and climate responsiveness.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: With Nathan Wood.

Nathan Wood, the Managing Director of Farmwood, shared insights that are vital for professionals in the field. His extensive roles, including Chairmanships in various air quality associations, lend significant weight to his observations on industry practices, design challenges, and regulatory landscapes.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

A Conversation with Ben Jones on Harm and Air Quality

In the complex world of indoor air quality, my recent chat with Ben Jones, an associate professor at the University of Nottingham, was particularly insightful. Ben's transition from aeronautical engineering to a leading voice in air quality research demonstrates a commitment to environmental innovation, particularly in understanding and mitigating the harm caused by indoor pollutants.

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Simon Jones Simon Jones

Exploring the Frontier of Healthy Buildings

Tyler shared his insights on how the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the corporate world's perspective on healthy buildings. He emphasised the critical role that indoor air quality plays in ensuring the safety and well-being of building occupants. One key takeaway was the potential risk of society's short memory, particularly post-pandemic. Tyler stressed the importance of maintaining the momentum in prioritising healthy building environments.

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