Priyanka Kulshreshtha

Priyanka Kulshreshtha - is a founding member and Secretary of the Society of Indoor Environment (SIE), a policy think tank for issues related to indoor environmental quality in India and an Assistant Professor at the University of Delhi.

She has been on the editorial board of prominent international journals, including the Journal of Health and Pollution, Sustainability in Environment, Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, and Environmental Research, to name just a few.

With two decades in the field of indoor air quality management. Her core domain of work is research on Indoor Air Quality and its exposure assessment. Priyanka is a fascinating window into the field of air quality in India right now, where it has come from and where it may be heading.

She is at the heart of an exciting yet challenging environment, with so much at stake and the potential to improve lives. You really get the sense talking to Priyanka that things are on the move in India, and there is a generation of bright and committed researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals making waves.

The Landscape of Air Quality in India

India's struggle with air quality is a complex puzzle, intricately linked to its diverse geography, rapid urbanisation, and varying socio-economic factors. The conversation with Kulshretha opens a window into this challenge, particularly spotlighting the severe pollution in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and the urban heat island effect observed in cities like Delhi. These examples underscore the critical need for localised research that considers the unique environmental and socio-cultural context of different regions within the country.

Priyanka’s Journey and Contributions

Priyanka’s journey in the field of indoor air quality management spans over two decades, marked by her contributions to pivotal projects like the European Union's Health Vent and her leadership in the Society of Indoor Environment. Her editorial roles in esteemed journals and her prolific publication record underscore her significant influence in the academic community. Through her work, Priyanka has not only advanced our understanding of air quality issues but has also championed the integration of research findings into practical, policy-oriented solutions.

Innovation and Research: The Bedrock of Progress

Her narrative brings to light the indispensable role of innovation and research in tackling air quality issues. These innovations, grounded in rigorous research, are critical in offering scalable and affordable solutions to air quality management in India.

Policy Engagement and Public Awareness

The conversation with Priyanka emphasises the paramount importance of policy engagement and public awareness in the fight against air pollution. Her collaborative efforts with policymakers in formulating indoor air quality guidelines exemplify the need for evidence-based, research-informed policy frameworks. Moreover, her advocacy for public education and community involvement through the Society of Indoor Environment highlights the crucial role of societal awareness in driving change. This dual approach of policy advocacy and public education forms the cornerstone of a sustainable strategy to combat air pollution.

The Path Forward: Challenges and Opportunities

Looking ahead, the conversation paints a hopeful yet pragmatic picture of India's future of air quality management. The emergence of a dedicated cohort of researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals presents an optimistic outlook. However, the path forward is fraught with challenges, necessitating a multifaceted approach that embraces technological innovation, fosters public engagement, and implements effective, culturally sensitive policies.

The Role of Community and Technological Solutions

The need for community engagement in air quality management cannot be overstated. Priyanka emphasis on educating the public about the sources and impacts of air pollution underscores the potential of informed communities in driving demand for cleaner air. Additionally, technological solutions like air purifiers and low-cost sensors, while beneficial, must be deployed judiciously, with a clear understanding of their limitations and the specific needs of different populations.

Envisioning a Cleaner Future

In envisioning a cleaner, healthier future for India, it is imperative to acknowledge the multifaceted nature of air quality management. This includes recognising the interplay between indoor and outdoor pollution, the impact of climate change, and the socio-economic disparities that influence exposure to pollutants. Priyanka’s work serves as a beacon, guiding efforts to navigate these complexities through informed research, innovative solutions, and collaborative policy-making.


Navigating the Post-Pandemic Landscape of Indoor Air Quality


Stephanie Taylor and Building for Health