Promoting Air Quality in the Built Environment: Insights from Chris Rush

Chris Rush is a Director and air quality consultant lead at Hoare Lea , an award-winning, multi-discipline engineering consultancy with a creative team of engineers, designers, and technical specialists.

Part of the Tetra Tech Group, a global provider of environmentally focused consulting and engineering services, and part of its renowned Tetra Tech High-Performance Buildings Group.

He aims to improve through his involvement as chair of the professional body for air quality in the UK— Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) , vice chair of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Air Quality Working Group, and council member of the Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES). He is passionate about harnessing the value of air quality through the design and operation of buildings.

Chris is a thought leader in this field, and the impact he and large consultancy practices play in moving the needle, not just with customers but internally in the cross-pollinating of ideas and ideas, is enormous.

He is at the vanguard of air quality in the built environment at Hoare lea but also in the development and growth of the IAQM.

Growth and Importance of Air Quality

Chris discusses the growth of the air quality group at Hoare Lea, which now boasts a team of 14 members. The group's sustainable growth over the past nine years highlights increasing industry interest and awareness. Even before COVID-19, there was a shift in how people perceived air quality. Post-COVID, the emphasis on ventilation and indoor air quality has intensified, making it a pivotal aspect of building design.

Indoor Air Quality: The Overlooked Essential

Chris emphasises the critical yet often overlooked role of indoor air quality. Despite spending significant time indoors, air quality in buildings hasn’t always received the attention it deserves. This gap stems from its technical nature and competing priorities like energy efficiency and carbon reduction. Chris aims to bring indoor air quality to the forefront, aligning it with building services and ensuring it's a natural fit for Hoare Lea.

Industry Perception and Client Engagement

I asked Chris about the industry's perception of air quality and healthy buildings. He highlighted the importance of passion and trusted advisor relationships in these conversations. He explains that clients, ranging from developers to investors, are increasingly recognising the need for holistic approaches that balance health, well-being, and sustainability. However, integrating these elements seamlessly remains a challenge.

Overcoming Perceptions and Educating Stakeholders

Chris outlines the multi-pronged approach to educating stakeholders. This includes upskilling internal teams on live projects and engaging clients early in the design process. By illustrating real-world examples, Chris aims to shift mindsets and promote a deeper understanding of the importance of air quality. He stresses the need for ongoing education and strategic engagement to embed air quality considerations into the fabric of building design and operation.

The Role of Data and Strategic Thinking

Chris underscores the value of data in driving air quality improvements. He emphasises the importance of long-term monitoring and data analysis to optimise building performance and inform future projects. This strategic approach enhances indoor environments and contributes to broader sustainability goals.

Navigating Challenges and Opportunities

We discuss the inherent challenges in promoting air quality, including the tendency to overlook it in favour of more immediate concerns like energy efficiency. Chris advocates for a holistic view, integrating air quality with other building performance metrics. He calls for a united industry approach, leveraging collective expertise to drive meaningful change.

The Future of Air Quality in the Built Environment

Chris envisions a future where air quality is fundamental to every building project. He highlights the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and continuous innovation. By aligning air quality with broader sustainability and health goals, the industry can create healthier, more resilient built environments.


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